Green growth used heavily when plant is growing fastest.
Yellow leaves on new growth buds fail to open small, sale flowers.
Good root growth and flower production.
Dull green foliage falling leaves weak stems abnormal slow to open buds.

Leaf margins yellows and turn brown. Weak stems under devloped buds.



Growth of plant cells and good roots.
Deformed growth and abnormal roots development.
Good growth.
Mature yellow leaves tinged maroon.
Green growth.

New leaves turn yellow.



Good form.
Small, curled scorched leaves. Dead terminal buds.
Good growth.
Malformed foliage.
Good growth.

Yellow leaves with green viens.

Good growth.
Pale mottling of leaves.
Good growth.
Poorly developed leaves.
Good growth.
Malformed growth.


Clusters of tiny insectson young shoots, flower buds, or underside of leaves. Foliage and blooms stunted or deformed. Sticky honeydew attracts ants.
Aphids. Softbodies green, brown, or redish insects that suck plant juice.
Harmless lady bugs, bird, beetles introducted into the garden will feed on aphids.
Foliage, flowers and stems are chewed, devoured, or have holes drilled in them.
Beetles including Japanese, curculio, fuller beetles. Their larve also eat plant roots.

Pick off beetles by hand or knock them into a can of kerosene and water. Spray acephate, (Isotoc or orthene)(Sevin) diazinon or malathion.

Circular black spots with fringed margins appear on leaves. Leaves may turn yellow and drop prematurely. On more resistant varieties, leaves will remain green and and hang into bush.
Blackspots. A fungus disease, easily spread to near by rain or hose. Over winters in small canes lesions or leaves left on ground.
Water with wand or soil soaker. If you must wet foliage, it early in the day so the bush dries before night. Spray regularly with triforine or Daconoal2787.
Flower buds eaten or leaves rolled ot tied around the pest and eaten from inside. Most often a late spring problems.
Budworm and other caterpillars Larvae or moths and butterflies that feed on foliage.
Cut out infested buds and leaves. Apply acephate, sevin or diazinon at first sign of damage.
Holes eaten into leaves from the underside, causing a skeletonized effect. Appear early spring. Later large holes are eaten in leaves and finaly the viens are devoured.
Bristly rose slugs (often called cane bores or left worms) Half inch-long, hairy, slimy larvae if swifly. Young eat underside of leaves; adults eat entire leaf.
Act quickly to stop the speedy damage spray with carbaryl (Sevin) or acephne.
Lesions in wood tissue of a cane, poor growth, or death above the affected area.
Canker. A disease caused by a parasitic fungus that usually enters plant through wounds or dying tissue.
Prune out and burn all affected tissue, cutting well below canker with shears dipped in alcohol after cut. Apply pruning paint.
Roundish, rough-surfaced growth near plant crown or roots. Plant loses vigor, produces abnormal flower and foliage, and eventually dies.
Crown gall. Soil borne bacaterial disease that can live in soil after affected plant is removed and may or may not affect a new plants.
DO NOT buy with swelling near buds union on roots. Remove and burn infected parts, seal pruning paint remove entire bush and treat soil with all-purpose fumigant such as Vapam before setting new plants.
Top surface of leaves turn pale and become covered with tiny yellow specks similar to damage of spider mites.
Leafhoopers. Tiny, greenish yellow jumping insects found on underside of leaves. They suck out contects of leaf cells.
Apply, acephate, diazon, or malathion.
Pale green foliage and stunted growth in spite of good gardening practices. Roots examination reveals abnormal swelling. Knotty enlargements with white eggs inside, discolored lesions, or dead tissue.
Nematodes. Tiny animals pests that invades the roots of the plant.
Check with your Cooperative Extension Agent or Agricultural Experiment Station for help in diagnosis and control. All-purpose soil fumigant or nematocide such as Vapon beneficail.
Holes in cut ends of canes or punctures in stems. Wilted plant shoots, foliage and canes. Sometimes slighty swelling of canes.
Pithbores-rose stem sawfly, rose stem girdler, small capenter bee. Pest that bore into cane and lay eggs. Lavrae eat through canes.
Cut cane below infested portion during spring prining. Seal exposed tips with pruning paint.
White powery masses of spores on young leaves, shoots, and buds; distroted young shoot stanted foliage.
Powdery mildew disease spread by wind and rain encouraged by warm days followed by cool nights. Over winters on fallen leaves and inside stems and buds scales.
Apply triforine. For best results apply when mildew is first noticed. Repeated applications required to give control.
Large mossy or callused swelling on stem or roots that look like crown gull, but if you cut them open you'll find larvae. Mosty on speices roses.
Rose gull(inculding mossy rose gall and rose root fall) Wasp like insects that bore into canes and lay eggs. The growing larvae cause swelling.
Insecticides not control. Prune and burn infested stems to destory larvae before they emerge. Seal exposed area.
Black, deformed flower buds and leaves that dieprematurely.
Rose midge. Tiny yellowish flies that lay eggs in growing tips of stems. Hatching maggots destroy tender tissue.
Remove and distroy affected stem tips. Spray with acephate first sign of infestation. Timing is critical, as these insects breed extremely fast and can destroy all blooms on the the plant overnight.
Wilted and dark foliage that drops permaturely. Close examination reveals mature stems encrusted hard-shelled insected.
Rose scales. Round, dirty white, gray, or brown shell covered insects that suck sap from plants.
Prune out and destroy old infested wood. Apply acephate carbaryl (Sevin) dormant oil spray (volck or malathion).
Wilted leaves that may drop. Yellow dots and light green mottling appear on upper leaf surface opposite pustules of powery, rust-colored spores on lower surface.
Rust. Disease spread by wind and rain. Over winter on fallen leaves. Especially trouble some along the Pacific Coast.
Remove and destroy all affected leaves during pruning. Spray with triforine Select rust-resistant varieties for new planting.
Striped leaves dry, turn brown, red, yellow or gray then curl and and drop off. Sometimes webs are visible on the underside of leaves.
Spider mites. Minute pests that suck juice from underside of foliage. Abundant in hot, dry weather.
Clean up trach and weed on early spring to destroy breeding places. Spray infestations with diazon, dormant oil spray.
Flecked petals and deformed flowers, especially on on white varieties.
Thrips. Very active, tiny, slender, brownish yellow, winged, insects that hide in base of infected flowers.
Cut off an dispose of spent blooms. Apply acephate diazinon, malathion.
Small, angular colorless spots on foliage. Ring, oak leaf, watermark, or mosaic pattern develops on leaves.
Virus disease (including mosaic). Spread by propagating infected plants.
The only control is prevention. DO NOT buy exhibiting the symptoms Remove entire affected plant to prevent spreading to nearby plant,



The Antique Rose Emporium
Route 5, Box 143
Brenham, TX 77833
(800) 441-0002;
fax (409) 836-0928
Heritage Rose Garden
16831 Mitchell Creek Drive
Fort Bragg, CA 95437
(707) 984-6959
Old Garden Roses

Jackson & Perkins
1 Rose Lane
Medford, OR 97501
(800) 292-4769
Modern Roses

Royall River Roses
Forevergreen Farm
70 New Gloucester Road
North Yarmouth, ME 04097
(207) 829-5830
fax: (207) 829-6512
Hardy roses, especially old garden modern shrub rose
Nor'East Miniature Roses
P.O. Box 473
Ontario, CA 91762
(909) 984-2223
fax: (909) 986-9875
Toll Free (800) 662-9669
Nor'East Miniature Roses
58 Hammond Street
Rowley, NA 01969
(978) 948-7964
fax: (978) 948-5487
Toll Free (800) 426-6485


If you need more address feel free to contact me via
e-mail on my Links Page


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